This year Orthodox Christians celebrate Pascha on May 5. Pascha is literally “Passover” from the Aramaic and it is the celebration of passing from death to life through the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the God-man. In the West, this feast is popularly called “Easter,” the commemoration of the Lord’s resurrection. Orthodox celebrate this feast on a different day because the Orthodox Church holds to another means of calculating the feast that was prescribed by the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, while that calculation has changed in the West. Please come celebrate with us!
Below are the services of Pascha and the days leading up to the holiest day of the year:
Lazarus Saturday 4/27
Orthros: 8:00am
Divine Liturgy: 9:00am
Church cleaning and Decoration: 11am
Great Vespers: 6:00pm
Palm Sunday 4/28
Orthros and Divine Liturgy: 9:00am
Bridegroom Orthros: 6:00pm
Holy Monday 4/29
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: 9:00am
Bridegroom Orthros: 6:00pm
Holy Tuesday 4/30
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: 9:00am
Bridegroom Orthros: 6:00pm
Holy Wednesday 4/31
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: 9:00am
Holy Unction: 6:00pm
Holy Thursday 5/1
Orthros: 8:00am
Liturgy of the Mystical Supper and Footwashing Service: 9:00am
Orthros of 12 Gospels: 6:00pm
Holy Friday 5/2
Royal Hours: 9:00am
Unnailing Vespers: 3:00pm
Orthros of Lamentations: 6:00pm
All-night Vigil following Lamentations
Holy Saturday 5/3
Vesperal Liturgy: 10:00am
Great and Holy Pascha 5/4-5/5
Rush Service, Paschal Orthros, and Divine Liturgy:
Saturday, 10:30pm
Agape Vespers: 12:00pm
Pascha BBQ at Miguelito Park!: 1:00pm
See Calendar for Bright Week Liturgies!